Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Many of my challenges was due to the lack of ideas. I could not think of an idea for this project until I came across the diphylleia grayi (a flower that turns transparent with rain). The hardest challenge with this piece was that I could not find a white that would appear very bright and solid. Also, trying to recreate something that is transparent is very difficult in itself. 

I found an idea on Pinterest. I had another idea associated with flowers and then I came across a particular flower that had everything I needed for the project. 

I'm not extremely happy with my final piece. I wish I could have used my resources better for this piece. 

This assignment was killer when it came to thinking of ideas. It took a long time of sitting and staring into space for one idea. Although it was hard, when you finally thought of something to create, your idea will be really cool and even though you are not as happy with it, maybe, others might think it is a very cool piece.

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